Wie entsteht Cellulite überhaupt? - .beautyonic2

How does cellulite actually develop?

Although cellulite is a phenomenon that is visible on the surface of the skin, its origin lies in the underlying subcutaneous fat . To understand how it develops, it helps to consider the structure of the skin :

When we look at our skin, we actually only see a small part of it. Beneath the epidermis , which is visible to us, there are two further layers of skin, the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue. The dermis is a tough layer of skin that lies between the epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue. It is made up of strong collagen and elastic connective tissue fibers. One of its jobs is to supply the epidermis with nutrients, and the skin's general ability to stretch also depends on its structure. The strong tissue strands of the dermis extend into the subcutaneous tissue underneath. Their loose structure is characterized by softer connective tissue and cushion-like fat cells . These are supported by the strong dermis with its stable collagen fibers .

If the connective tissue is weak , it is usually due to the collagen it contains. There can be several reasons for this: genetic predisposition, hormonal changes or the natural aging process affect the structure and strength of the collagen fibers. If they are not stable enough, the connective tissue can no longer embed the fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue sufficiently firmly . The fat cells push past the connective tissue strands and appear visibly on the surface of the skin as dents or dimples. And since everyone naturally has such fat cells, cellulite is not only a problem for overweight people, it can also affect slim people if their connective tissue does not provide sufficient support.

You may have already guessed: Even a few extra kilos make the problem worse, because where there are more fat deposits, they are more noticeable in the case of cellulite. The self-reinforcing effect of cellulite is particularly unfortunate: If the fat deposits pushing through the connective tissue put pressure on the surrounding blood vessels, this often leads to poor circulation in the skin. The skin is then less well supplied and water builds up in the tissue. The result: the fat deposits continue to gain volume and make the skin's appearance even worse. In addition, persistent poor circulation causes the skin to lose its rosy tone. It looks pale and flabby, which further increases the optical effect of the dimples. A real vicious circle that you can only break with effective cellulite treatment.

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