10 Dinge, die du über Cellulite wissen solltest - .beautyonic2

10 things you should know about cellulite

Almost every woman has to deal with it sooner or later in her life, even if hardly any of them want it. We're talking about cellulite , also known as orange peel skin . It occurs when the connective tissue loses its firmness. The result: small and large dents in the skin that are reminiscent of the surface structure of an orange peel. Does this problem sound familiar? Then you've come to the right place! Find out more about how cellulite develops, what causes it and, above all, how you can get it under control.

1. Cellulite – a women’s issue

Cellulite is a widespread problem: studies have shown that more than 80 percent of women are affected by the dimpled changes in their skin. The bad news is that men suffer from it far less frequently, which is mainly due to the structure of their connective tissue. In contrast to women's, which has a more parallel structure, men's connective tissue is structured like a grid and is therefore much more stable. But they are still not completely immune to the formation of skin dimples: changes in the hormonal balance or severe muscle loss, for example as a side effect of an illness or drug therapy, can lead to the male connective tissue becoming weaker and showing unevenness.

2. The figure is not always important

It's no secret - being overweight promotes the development of cellulite. What many people don't know, however, is that it can also affect women of normal weight or slim women . The extent to which cellulite occurs in individual cases depends on the individual structure of the connective tissue. This is mainly genetic, i.e. determined from birth. You can therefore only influence to a limited extent whether and to what extent you will have to deal with cellulite over the course of your life.

3. No question of age

Although it is true that the risk of developing cellulite increases with age, it also affects younger women. If you have naturally weaker connective tissue, cellulite can even appear in your teens. Whenever you notice the first signs of cellulite on your body, it usually increases with age, which is a reason for many to start treating cellulite early. Have you not thought about this yet? Don't worry: it is never too late to start treating your cellulite.

4. Cellulite is not a disease

Although cellulite is often associated with considerable suffering for those affected, it is not considered a disease in the medical sense . Rather, the unsightly orange peel skin is a purely aesthetic problem that generally has no negative effects on physical health. However, severe forms of cellulite do occur, albeit very rarely, and can lead to permanent damage to the lymphatic system.
By the way: The term cellulitis, which is often used in connection with orange peel skin, is a confusion that is due to the similar sound of the two words. Cellulitis, however, is an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by bacteria, which usually requires antibiotic treatment.

5. Several problem areas

Classic parts of the body for the appearance of cellulite are the legs and bottom , but orange peel skin can also develop on the arms and stomach if you are predisposed to it. This is actually quite obvious, as the body tends to store fat there too. Women whose connective tissue is very weak sometimes even struggle with cellulite in the area of ​​the calves or lower back. In these cases, the dimpled skin changes usually appear in several places on the body. People who tend to have an uneven distribution of body fat are more likely to struggle with cellulite in these problem areas. The dimples that appear in these areas are often particularly large due to the increased concentration of fat cells.

6. Like mother, like daughter

Many women wonder whether cellulite is hereditary . They often find that their mother also suffered from this problem. The answer is both yes and no. Cellulite is not passed on to her daughter, as it is not part of the human genome. The strength of the connective tissue, however, is genetic. It is therefore quite possible that a mother's existing connective tissue weakness will also be seen in her daughter, in many cases even in the same parts of the body. Warning : if your mother had to deal with cellulite at a very young age, you may also be affected at an early age.

7. Hormones are also to blame

In addition to hereditary predisposition and external influences, researchers believe that hormones are the main factor influencing the development of cellulite . In particular, female sex hormones from the group of estrogens , which are responsible for controlling the female cycle, among other things, appear to stimulate the breakdown of firming collagen fibers in the skin. Although the male body also produces small amounts of estrogen, the concentration of the hormone in the blood is very low compared to the female body. This explains why men are less susceptible to cellulite.

8. Cellulite and pregnancy

Although pregnancy is a cause for great joy in most cases, it also brings with it some physical changes that women do not necessarily like. Cellulite is one of them, and it is true that it is very common in pregnant women , even if they have not had problems with it before. This is due to three factors which encourage the development of cellulite: the sharp increase in estrogen levels, the inevitable weight gain, and the water retention which usually occurs in late pregnancy. The changed hormonal balance loosens the connective tissue which is necessary during pregnancy. If body weight then increases, and with it the pressure on the tissue, cellulite is almost impossible to prevent. The good news is that most dents usually disappear after pregnancy. What's more, with the right care, cellulite can be effectively treated .

9. Early action offers the best protection

The sooner you notice that you are developing cellulite , the easier it is to counteract it. It does not develop within a few days or weeks, but is the result of years of changes in the structure of your connective tissue . It is therefore best to check yourself in the mirror at regular intervals to see whether you notice the first signs of cellulite. To do this, take a large area of ​​skin, for example on your thigh, between your fingers and press it together. If you see dents or bumps there, then cellulite has already started. Now you can start treatment early and effectively contain unsightly skin changes before they get the upper hand.

10. Cellulite is completely normal

Many women are ashamed of their cellulite on their bottom, thighs, stomach or arms because they feel they don't conform to current beauty standards . But let me tell you: Cellulite is completely normal! In studies, more than three quarters of the women surveyed say they are affected by cellulite on one or more parts of their body. So if cellulite is an issue for you, you are not the unfortunate exception, but rather the rule. And knowing that you are not alone with your problem is reassuring, isn't it?

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